Home Sanctuary Program

Home Sanctuary encourages people to care for a parrot simply because the bird needs a soft place to land. It requires guardians to value birds for their inherent value, not guardian or cultural expectations, and provide lifelong care on an unconditional basis. It emphasizes that parrots aren’t ‘pets,’ but wild animals in need, and that we aren’t ‘owners,’ but rather caregivers to autonomous beings. It brings sanctuary-mindset care into the home setting and helps create a greater placement network for these birds in need. Home Sanctuary is an option to help place birds that struggle in a traditional adoption program due to flock size, behavioral issues, and medical needs.

Examples of successful home sanctuaries:

"For me, opening my home with zero pressure of expectation to a bird who has been so let down it doesn’t trust people or other birds as its flock & only knows a home setting for its surroundings has been deeply rewarding. I take the gradual trust that builds every baby step of connection very personally and feel grateful for how blessed I truly am to help them." — Wendy, a home sanctuary guardian

Questions about Home Sanctuary? Contact our placement team: